Top Racer 2 / Top Gear 2
(existe en version JAP, US & PAL)

Conduire une super voiture dans n'importe quel pays
Allumez votre console et selectionnez l'option "Continue Game" pour inscrire 4N85 BJR6 6HJ5 8#H65 RNM## (pour Amateur), 9LB< NW5> >VW< CFV> <521FF (pour Professionnel), ou DHYV 9>HW W<>V 13<W VHDC33 (pour Championnat) comme mot de passe. Mettez en surbrillance l'option "End" et appuyez sur . Commencez à jouer, faites Pause dans la course et appuyez sur  pour retourner au menu. Allez dans "Options" et choisissez le niveau de difficulté désiré. Selectionnez un pays et appuyez sur . Appuyez sur  à l'écran des mots de passe. Ignorez le message "Invalid Password" et appuyez sur Start. Mettez en surbrillance l'option "Continue Game" et commencez le jeu avec le mot de passe affiché.

Codes en Championship
Britain       : [%#6 86T% JDCM M9F43 PLJ88
Canada        : 2QJD GD9Q 2VT4 4HWB% 632GG
Egypt         : C¢51 39TW N8JJ J7C21 MHG66
France        : 9YNH LHTV W4Y¢¢V8NM %][TT
Germany       : M2TR V]G] [46R T+M98 WRQ¢¢
Greece        : #MLF H¢WQ WD+1 2FT+¢ 41YDD
India         : 673W 19Q+ 18[7 8N3GF #76MM
Ireland       : CHD+ B8Q5 F[]5 6L1DC 854JJ
Italy         : NGC¢ %¢+Y F8FJ L8D32 NJH77
Japan         : J8PJ MGB2 +YT9 #Q5JH ]98PP
Scandinavia   : R¢YR V]42 %MYJ 4HWB% 632%%
South America : Q3F% C9[V BDR% T+M98 WRQ¢¢
Spain         : 5C2V Y2¢H B484 D3¢VT GCB22
Switzerland   : LPB] +P+P P8%8 J7C21 MHG66
United States : F¢3W 1TDH GJQT [R6LJ ¢#9QQ
Argent supplémentaire                : 8>25 PN>Y L>VC M7032 NJH77
Dernière région en mode Championship : G<HF VD>B Y)33 WBP?# 1VT>>
Code ultime (tout est débloqué)      : HY1W #J37 C(VN 6M2FD 965LL
Australia     : ##HF V#32 Y2J¾ LY?RQ D„…YY
Britain       : <P63 <JMC N<RR >>P85 TPN??
Canada        : P7GC R<PM 1VVR RDY<5 3YWCC
Egypt         : W574 >>PB GRYL GL3MM ?87NN
France        : JCFB Q5Y# #<W? >>#WR <?#RR
Germany       : ?#># HF#8 P8DQ TWP>< VQP<<
Greece        : 4HHD T549 7DCY M1RGB 743HH
India         : 7CD> PJ#V CRT# N?L#9 YTR<<
Ireland       : ?NWR 7345 29<< C3N?# 1VT>>
Italy         : 68>< LTP3 VGDP 8>P?# 1VT>>
Japan         : 7<B> M<VN YYC5 GQ6LJ >#9QQ
Scandinavia   : 7W3Y ?HQ< 5>87 JT8NM ><?TT
South America : WV3Y ?QF> R>#5 GQ6LJ >#9QQ
Spain         : 5RJ6 WFB2 C8R2 CM3GF #76MM
Switzerland   : L1RP 539Y GRFJ 5<L87 VQP<<
United States : #MB< NW29 G<CT <FV>< 521FF
Codes en Championship
Britain       : R3<9 GPPD Y22W <R941 RNM##
Canada        : 3Q31 >B1B J>Q2 +63CM C+¢WW
Egypt         : RQ42 ¢H<B 8R24 B85FP FB%11
France        : M9LH Y48Q P915 #<RY6 NJH77
Germany       : M¢RP 5CQ8 Q<Q+ DM<87 NN
Greece        : H3%¢ MP%9 FQ%T RQ+NJ 854JJ
India         : JN64 %7T< CJJC >7DYR +<#RR
Ireland       : 18#8 FQCJ <4#+ 94%TN <87NN
Italy         : MBDB Q9>< 79>7 MN4HG <87NN
Japan         : B364 %QN2 7#LQ LT8NM %><TT
Scandinavia   : PBB+ NWTN FJ5F %HYCB 743HH
South America : >JLH YY14 L5%N HQ6LJ ¢#9QQ
Spain         : <MVR 7CQF ++D9 6>L87 VQP>>
Switzerland   : 23#8 FTCC L5B3 Y6C21 MHG66
United States : HNTQ 6B+L Q%ML GP5JH >98PP
Note : entre la version américaine et européenne il y a quelques caractères qui changent
< correspond à ?
> correspond à (
¢ correspond à )
+ correspond à <
% correspond à >
Voici les codes de la version européenne
Mode normal
Britain       : V7FB QF>1 L7L# 1#M43 TPN<<
Canada        : 57GC RRMG M9BV L4<GH +<#RR
Egypt         : GHLG W%>W DLT8 1+HVW MHG66
France        : HBD% PVH+ <7<4 7¢+MQ <87NN
Germany       : <#¢# H9C2 #<77 MR2<> 521FF
Greece        : SHHD T7%G DWWM W#LW1 PLJ88
India         : 6PQM 3LR+ ¢3C5 P4CNQ GCB22
Ireland       : 2BJF V261 1F9H QW<GB 743HH
Italy         : 35>9 G+T7 >57W Q1>TR FB%11
Japan         : RY41 >R36 +MT2 V4%YW JFD44
Scandinavia   : RLQM 39G¢ 8R#J DM3GF #76MM
South America : 2V3Y <FL1 >RHW Q1>TR FB%11
Spain         : N%97 D4D1 CJ#1 V4%YW JFD44
Switzerland   : 3¢86 CT#R 5%5J FN4HG <87NN
United States : W<31 >8JW 31H% >DT+¢ 41YDD

Codes Action Replay
008A 3D01 + 01F8 0580 = permet de jouer avec la version US
7E01 A801 = Nitro infini (à activer sur le circuit)
7E1D 19FF = argent infini
7E1D C532 = avoir 50 points au classement général
7E1E 5D29 = concurents très dur à battre
81F8 3880 = permet de jouer avec la version JAP
81F8 4060 = permet de jouer avec une version PAL sur une console japonaise

Code Game Génie
DD2A-4D6D       Start with no nitros instead of 6
D42A-4D6D       Start with 2 nitros
D02A-4D6D       Start with 4 nitros
D62A-4D6D       Start with 8 nitros
DC2A-4D6D       Start with 10 nitros
C267-CD07       Infinite nitros for Player 1
C2CB-CF0F       Infinite nitros for Player 2
C9BD-1F04       Fuel never runs out
7430-398E       1st place gives $50,000 instead of $10,000
7430-317E       2nd place gives $50,000 instead of $6,000
7430-318E       3rd place gives $50,000 instead of $4,000
7430-357E       4th place gives $50,000 instead of $3,000
7430-358E       5th place gives $50,000 instead of $2,000
7439-307E       6th place gives $50,000 instead of $1,000
7439-308E       7th place gives $50,000 instead of $0
7439-397E       8th place gives $50,000 instead of $0
7439-398E       9th place gives $50,000 instead of $0
7439-317E       10th place gives $50,000 instead of $0
F039-355A       1st place is worth 20 points instead of 10
F039-35EA       2nd place is worth 20 points instead of 6
F031-305A       3rd place is worth 20 points instead of 4
F031-30EA       4th place is worth 20 points instead of 3
F031-395A       5th place is worth 20 points instead of 2
F031-39EA       6th place is worth 20 points instead of 1
F031-315A       7th place is worth 20 points instead of 0
F031-31EA       8th place is worth 20 points instead of 0
F031-355A       9th place is worth 20 points instead of 0
F031-35EA       10th place is worth 20 points instead of 0
0BC4-49EE + 52C3-3083   Everything is free (must have enough to buy)
DFC5-405E       2nd engine costs $1K instead of $30K
DEC5-405E       2nd engine costs $15K instead of $30K
DFC5-40EE       3rd engine costs $1K instead of $50K
FBC5-40EE       3rd engine costs $25K instead of $50K
DFC5-495E       4th engine costs $1K instead of $80K
46C5-495E       4th engine costs $40K instead of $80K
DDC5-415E       2nd wet tires are free
DDC5-41EE       3rd wet tires are free
DDC5-455E       4th wet tires are free
DDC6-405E       2nd dry tires are free
DDC6-40EE       3rd dry tires are free
DDC6-495E       4th dry tires are free
DFC6-415E       2nd gear box costs $1K instead of $10K
D9C6-415E       2nd gear box costs $5K instead of $10K
DFC6-41EE       3rd gear box costs $1K instead of $30K
DEC6-41EE       3rd gear box costs $15K instead of $30K
DFC6-455E       4th gear box costs $1K instead of $50K
FBC6-455E       4th gear box costs $25K instead of $50K
DFCB-405E       2nd nitro costs $1K instead of $5K
D4CB-405E       2nd nitro costs $2K instead of $5K
DFCB-40EE       3rd nitro costs $1K instead of $15K
D5CB-40EE       3rd nitro costs $7K instead of $15K
DFCB-495E       4th nitro costs $1K instead of $30K
DECB-495E       4th nitro costs $15K instead of $30K
DFCC-405E       2nd side armor costs $1K instead of $5K
D4CC-405E       2nd side armor costs $2K instead of $5K
DFCC-40EE       3rd side armor costs $1K instead of $10K
D9CC-40EE       3rd side armor costs $5K instead of $10K
DFCC-495E       4th side armor costs $1K instead of $20K
DCCC-495E       4th side armor costs $10K instead of $20K
DFCC-415E       2nd rear armor costs $1K instead of $5K
D4CC-415E       2nd rear armor costs $2K instead of $5K
DFCC-41EE       3rd rear armor costs $1K instead of $10K
D9CC-41EE       3rd rear armor costs $5K instead of $10K
DFCC-455E       4th rear armor costs $1K instead of $20K
DCCC-455E       4th rear armor costs $10K instead of $20K
DFC8-405E       2nd front armor costs $1K instead of $5K
D4C8-405E       2nd front armor costs $2K instead of $5K
DFC8-40EE       3rd front armor costs $1K instead of $10K
D9C8-40EE       3rd front armor costs $5K instead of $10K
DFC8-495E       4th front armor costs $1K instead of $20K
DCC8-495E       4th front armor costs $10K instead of $20K